He Spoke to Them in Parables…

September 15, 2019
An essential core of Jesus’ teaching was his use of parable. Mark tells us, “With many parables he spoke the word to them, as they were able to hear it.…

Getting a Rise Out of Us

September 1, 2019
What did Jesus teach? He was all about saying “No!” to the causes and effects of sin and a superficial religion that is prideful. But he was also about saying…

“We’re Expecting!”

August 4, 2019
[NO AUDIO] “It is not enough just for you to be my light to Israel,” God tells his servant. “I am making you a light to all the nations.” Today…
There is something about coming home that soothes the soul—even if you’re returning from vacation. With a nod to our youth returning from their mission trip to San Francisco, today’s…
Isaiah, the “pinnacle of Hebrew prophecy,” resembles the Bible in miniature. Its first 39 chapters correspond to the 39 books of the Old Testament and stress the righteousness, holiness, and…
"Christ is risen!" "Christ is risen indeed!" In deed -- not just in spirit or in history, but in action, in the here and now, too. Christ's victory is our…

Taming the Tongue

September 16, 2018
[No Sermon Audio] “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me!” No words ever uttered are as untrue. There is great power—to do good or…

“Don’t Say a Word!”

September 9, 2018
Jesus attracted great crowds of people despite expressly telling them not to say a word to others about him. Perhaps because those drawn to him were desperate. Jesus still attracts…
On this day the Church continues it procession with our crucified and risen Lord. He is in our midst as we hear about his life-giving death, as we follow Jesus’…