What Heaven Is Not

November 24, 2019
As Genesis is the book of beginnings, Revelation is the book of consummation. The divine program of redemption is brought to fruition, and the holy name of God is vindicated…

Branching In

November 17, 2019
“God is love. Love is God. Love God, love one another, because god is love.” In the three letters that bear his name, John comes across either as a doddering…

Looking Beyond What We Can See

November 10, 2019
As we saw last week, many Jewish Christians wondered how much of the old ways should be retained. The writer of Hebrews exhorts them to “press on” beyond their comfort…

Faith and Works

November 3, 2019
Newton’s Third Law (“For every action, three is an equal and opposite reaction.”) applies not just to physics, but to religion as well. At least, that is one way to…