What the Package Says…

December 24, 2013
Glory to God!  Christ is born!  Salvation has come to the earth! This message is more than a familiar story; it’s an invitation to sing, to give thanks for all…

A Faith Like Joseph

December 22, 2013
"Don't be afraid," the angel says to Joseph. We all need this message of courage when we strive to trust God's outlandish promises in the face of what we fear. …

For Them, Too

December 15, 2013
God’s kingdom is like a desert in bloom—what is dry and barren blossoms and bears fruit.  Jesus announces to a dubious John in prison that healing and wholeness are the…

The Parable of the Classroom

December 8, 2013
Isaiah promises that a righteous branch shall grow out of the shoot of Jesse—a branch bringing justice and peace to all creation.  In  Advent, we prepare to receive this branch…
This is the time of year when our schedules and life are filled with chaos, frenzy, and doubt. Today’s lessons seem to recognize this reality as a starting point. For…

An Outlet

November 27, 2013
Thanksgiving gives us the opportunity to consider what our attitude is towards God and all the blessings that He has given us. Too often we complain about what we don’t…

Who’s on Your Throne?

November 24, 2013
Christ the King Sunday brings to mind images of royalty and power, strength and might. But our lessons point to a different kind of ruler. Jesus offers mercy and hope…

Situational Awareness

November 17, 2013
A new heaven and a new earth…wars and persecutions; everything is in God’s hands…but some of you have to get off your duffs and get to work if you want…

Going Out On a Limb

November 10, 2013
Jesus has a great passion for the lost—those who are pushed to the margins, those who fail to live up to the standards of the good and the just, those…

Saints and Sinners, All

November 3, 2013
“…with angels and archangels and all the company of saints in heaven, we praise Your name and join their unending hymn,” proclaims the presiding minister in the Eucharistic prayer. On…