What to Do about “Them”

September 30, 2018
It is so easy to assume God is on our side—nations do it, political parties do it, religions and even denominations do it. But it is a mistake to consider…

Downward Mobility

September 23, 2018
The call to humility and meekness is prevalent throughout Scripture. Prophets pointed to the suffering Messiah who would be scorned and slaughtered unjustly by, yet for, the people. Jesus humbled…

Taming the Tongue

September 16, 2018
[No Sermon Audio] “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me!” No words ever uttered are as untrue. There is great power—to do good or…

“Don’t Say a Word!”

September 9, 2018
Jesus attracted great crowds of people despite expressly telling them not to say a word to others about him. Perhaps because those drawn to him were desperate. Jesus still attracts…

A TaNaK for a New Age

September 2, 2018
Sometimes, what we think and how we act are not in alignment. We may want to believe they are not connected, that we can just “go through the motions,” although…