Knowing Where to Look

January 3, 2016
“Arise and shine, your light has come!” the prophet exhorts us. And the people come with rejoicing, bearing gifts. Matthew tells of magi, following a star that led them right…
It happened to Samuel, it happened to Jesus; Paul tells the Colossians what it truly means to grow in wisdom and favor with God. To be mature in Christ is…

I, John, on Advent

December 20, 2015
The long-awaited Promised One comes. Micah prophesies this Shepherd-Ruler will bring security and peace to God’s people. Mary sings the ancient song of fortune’s reversal as God enters our world…

I, Luke, on Advent

December 13, 2015
At first glance it’s hard to reconcile John the Baptist’s words in the Gospel with the other two lessons. Zephaniah proclaims a joyful celebration because their long-awaited king has come…

I, Mark, on Advent

December 6, 2015
The call to “prepare the way of the Lord” echoed in the ears of God’s people through the centuries and stands center stage in the readings today. Despite these urgings…

I, Matthew, on Advent

November 29, 2015
How can we participate in the coming kingdom of Christ? That is the challenge Advent presents to us. God promises to usher in a new order, where justice and righteousness…

What Is Truth?

November 22, 2015
Who’s in charge? At times the world appears to be out of control. Even faithful Christians wonder about the strange and often evil things they encounter. Our prayer, “Thy kingdom…

What Jesus Said Next

November 15, 2015
We start the “countdown to glory,” finding ourselves focused on the last things…or at least the last weeks of the church year. We live in a world where many claim…

The First Date

November 1, 2015
All Saints’ Day celebrates the baptized people of God—living or dead—who make up the body of Christ; and find that love of God and love for their neighbor have pushed…
There is a fine line between revering the past and moving beyond it to do the work at hand. Moses is remembered with honor... and then Joshua moves his people…