In the opening and closings chapters of the Bible, we find described the “Tree of Life.” It was in the Garden of Eden, a tree Adam and Eve could eat…
Water is a basic element that all living things need to survive. Most of us can identify with personal experiences of thirst; and how wonderful even a tiny sip of…
Faith is Abraham’s legacy. He believed God’s credibility and followed His command, going off into the unknown and entrusting Him with his future. Nicodemus was faced with the same challenge:…
Temptation. Sin. Choosing right from wrong. How we respond marks us as human beings. The familiar story of Adam and Eve is just as relevant today as it was in…
As Genesis is the book of beginnings, Revelation is the book of consummation. The divine program of redemption is brought to fruition, and the holy name of God is vindicated…
“What is truth?” Pilate asks Jesus, offering a stark, this-worldly contrast to the cosmic, royal imagery of the other readings. We are told the Son of Man rides on the…