In the opening and closings chapters of the Bible, we find described the “Tree of Life.” It was in the Garden of Eden, a tree Adam and Eve could eat…
Faith is Abraham’s legacy. He believed God’s credibility and followed His command, going off into the unknown and entrusting Him with his future. Nicodemus was faced with the same challenge:…
Temptation. Sin. Choosing right from wrong. How we respond marks us as human beings. The familiar story of Adam and Eve is just as relevant today as it was in…
As we saw last week, many Jewish Christians wondered how much of the old ways should be retained. The writer of Hebrews exhorts them to “press on” beyond their comfort…
The narrative we find in Genesis flows through four generations, highlighting the lives of four different individuals who were obedient to the Lord. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph illustrate how…
[We apologize for the poor audio quality] “Abraham believed the Lord, and the Lord declared him righteous because of his faith.” Taking that first step into the unknown is a…
The Lord God, seeing wickedness pervasive in the world, decides to reboot things by destroying all life with a flood; choosing to save only Noah and his family, and pairs…
The Fall. God created a man and woman to live together—and with Him intimately—in a garden paradise. There disobedience, eating what was forbidden, introduces sin into the world and cause…
Creation 2.0. God forms man from the earth, places him in a garden to do His work, and provides a suitable helper for him. But they would not live happily…
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth…” And so our Bible begins (as does the Gospel of John): a true genesis. However, it was not God’s beginning—He…