Jesus looks upon the crowds gathered around him and sees lost and helpless people, like sheep without a shepherd. He sends out his disciples to provide healing and relief. Our…
One God in three persons. The doctrine of the Trinity is a difficult one to explain. It serves as an inspiring conception of how God works, but has been a…
In the waters of the Jordan, Jesus is baptized by John. The triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, converge on this day. “You are my beloved,” a voice calls…
[No Audio] Christmas is the celebration of the incarnation, the mystery that God is with us, in the flesh, in Jesus, both baby and Lord. Out God did not hide…
[No Audio] Enter John the Baptist. The strident voice, calling out from the wilderness, invites everyone of his day and ours to take the plunge—not just into the Jordan to…
We like to think of our lives as secure, stable, permanent. We enjoy thinking ourselves as in control. This is a delusion. The truth is that God, the same Creator…
Outside of Jesus, there is no person more central to Christianity than Paul. Apostle, missionary, and former persecutor of the faith, Paul brought the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Gentiles…
In the early church, Easter was celebrated every week—so much had changed with Christ’s resurrection that Sunday, the first day of the week, became the new Sabbath. “Christ is risen.…
If the prophet Jeremiah comes across a bit gloomy and depressed, he has reason to. He lived during Judah’s darkest days, when apostasy, idolatry, perverted worship and moral decay seemed…
Long, long ago, in Samuel’s day, it was deemed that the Lord no longer interacted with His people. It can seem that way today as well. We call upon God,…