[No Sermon Audio] Nothing is impossible with God. As Paul says, the power of God working within us is beyond our understanding, imagination, and control. Feeding a giant throng of…
[No Sermon Audio] Shepherds are to gather, tend, nourish, and protect their flock. Of course, we know the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, does all that and more. He loves and…
[No Sermon Audio] God unravels political systems, schemes, and nations, using atypical prophets and preachers. God’s chosen messengers stand up to what is wrong and call for repentance. And their…
[No Sermon Audio] What an astounding idea: true power being made perfect in weakness! Do we believe it? Dare we act on it? Jesus sends out his disciples with nothing…

What Kind of Faith?

July 1, 2018
[No Sermon Audio] How joyful it is to give from our abundance. Paul writes of this important value to the Corinthians; Jesus exemplifies it by healing a woman and raising…