What Jesus Didn’t Say

October 6, 2019
In the early church, Easter was celebrated every week—so much had changed with Christ’s resurrection that Sunday, the first day of the week, became the new Sabbath. “Christ is risen.…

Bad Wizards

October 28, 2018
Things made right—Job’s status and fortunes are restored, the true priesthood reinstituted, a blind man’s sight recovered…and the church reformed—that’s what this day is all about. But in the throes…

Reserved Seats

October 21, 2018
He is called the Lord God Almighty for a reason. He stretches forth the heavens like a tent, sets the earth on its foundations, orchestrates the waters of the deep.…

Hide and Seek

October 14, 2018
[No Sermon Audio] Life can ask a lot of us. God asks for even more. Often, we cannot fathom the reasons behind life’s hardships, but like Job we are called…

Receiving Like a Child

October 7, 2018
There is a common theme in today’s lessons: connectedness. Once a relationship has been established, one should not break it off when something goes wrong. Job refuses to curse God…
[No Sermon Audio] The disciples learned that journeying with Jesus did not insulate them from difficulties and storms in life—Paul found that to be true as well. Jesus never promises…