“Now you’re speakin’ my language!” A phrase that indicates communication, and more than just on the verbal level. On Pentecost, the Holy Spirit is given to the apostles, who are…
Whether it is the disciples gathered in the upper room, the early Church struggling to survive in a hostile environment, or the followers of Christ today trying to cope in…
Paul faced a daunting challenge in preaching to skeptical Greek philosophers, and he uses logic to try and convince them…with mixed results. We face the same challenge, making God-in-Christ known…
These days it is easy to feel lost, especially since we have no idea how long this pandemic and social isolation will last. It would be nice if we had…
“The Lord is my shepherd…” How familiar those words of the 23rd Psalm are to us. Jesus says the He is the good shepherd, who cares for his sheep. He…
Sometimes a familiar Bible passage takes on a whole new meaning due to one’s circumstances. That is the case with today’s Gospel lesson. Our current situation, the “new normal” brought…
How can we celebrate Easter this year since we can’t go to church?” We’ll just have to celebrate it now, quarantined, and do it later, too. It’s not like it…
In the face of all we are currently going through, we easily find ourselves worried about keeping ourselves and others safe, focused on not dying. In the lesson today, however,…
Welcome to the New Normal. We’ve put together a brief, videotaped service and sermon that focuses on what is on everyone’s mind: the COVID-19 pandemic. The Gospel lesson of the…
Water is a basic element that all living things need to survive. Most of us can identify with personal experiences of thirst; and how wonderful even a tiny sip of…