Long, long ago, in Samuel’s day, it was deemed that the Lord no longer interacted with His people. It can seem that way today as well. We call upon God,…
“It’s déjà vu all over again!” Yogi Berra is credited with saying. How often the same cycle of cause and effect, trial and error, peril and deliverance seem to play…
The narrative we find in Genesis flows through four generations, highlighting the lives of four different individuals who were obedient to the Lord. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph illustrate how…
[We apologize for the poor audio quality] “Abraham believed the Lord, and the Lord declared him righteous because of his faith.” Taking that first step into the unknown is a…
The Lord God, seeing wickedness pervasive in the world, decides to reboot things by destroying all life with a flood; choosing to save only Noah and his family, and pairs…
Visions are the distinctive mark of this day. Paul receives a vision from God telling him that he needs to leap from one continent to another to take the good…