The Difference Light Makes

February 9, 2020
A light shining in the darkness: that is what Christ is. And what we are called to be reflectors of His light, shining upon the earth with justice and righteousness.…
Epiphany is the season of light, and today’s lessons proclaim that light has come into our world. It shines on those who sit in darkness—the darkness of exile, the darkness…
“Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. That message is astounding in itself; but what is more, God entrusts the proclaiming of that…

When God Takes Over

January 12, 2020
In the waters of the Jordan, Jesus is baptized by John. The triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, converge on this day. “You are my beloved,” a voice calls…

Exposure to Venom

December 29, 2019
The saving love of God unifies the lessons today. Isaiah proclaims that it was no angel who saved the people of old, but God himself. Paul assures the Galatians that…

Identity [theft] Gift

December 24, 2019
Glory to God! Christ is born! Salvation has come to the earth! This message is more than a familiar story; it’s an invitation to sing, to give thanks for all…
[No Audio] Christmas is the celebration of the incarnation, the mystery that God is with us, in the flesh, in Jesus, both baby and Lord. Out God did not hide…

24 Hour Egg Challenge Sermon

December 8, 2019
[No Audio] Enter John the Baptist. The strident voice, calling out from the wilderness, invites everyone of his day and ours to take the plunge—not just into the Jordan to…

A Closer Look at Advent

December 1, 2019
We like to think of our lives as secure, stable, permanent. We enjoy thinking ourselves as in control. This is a delusion. The truth is that God, the same Creator…

The third Parade

September 29, 2019
The focus of all history, people of every tribe and race, is on a solitary hill outside of Jerusalem where the Son of God is nailed to a cross. As…