God calls us to walk in ways that lead to life and abundance. In his final address, Moses points out that there are consequences to following a different path. Jesus…

The Difference Light Makes

February 9, 2020
A light shining in the darkness: that is what Christ is. And what we are called to be reflectors of His light, shining upon the earth with justice and righteousness.…

Fight, Flight…or Faith?

February 2, 2020
What does the Lord require of us? Micah spells it out: to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God. Simple—yet what a challenge to anyone who knows…
Epiphany is the season of light, and today’s lessons proclaim that light has come into our world. It shines on those who sit in darkness—the darkness of exile, the darkness…
“Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. That message is astounding in itself; but what is more, God entrusts the proclaiming of that…

What Jesus Didn’t Say

October 6, 2019
In the early church, Easter was celebrated every week—so much had changed with Christ’s resurrection that Sunday, the first day of the week, became the new Sabbath. “Christ is risen.…
"Christ is risen!" "Christ is risen indeed!" In deed -- not just in spirit or in history, but in action, in the here and now, too. Christ's victory is our…

Be a God Ad

April 1, 2018
APRIL FOOLS! What a trick God played on sin, death, and the devil! Instead of evil and darkness overcoming, Light and Love proved victorious. Christ has risen!!! The direct result…