Description: Happy readings these are not. In Genesis, Sarah is fearful that Hagar’s son will one day inherit instead of her own, Isaac; so she demands Abraham cast them out.…

Even After All That…?

June 15, 2014
The doctrine of the Trinity has been a conundrum throughout Christian history, an inspiring conception of how God works, but also a divisive point of dogma when it is disconnected…

Playing with Fire

June 8, 2014
Today is the Day of Pentecost—the birthday of the Christian Church. A more descriptive name for it might be the Festival Day of the Holy Spirit. The first Pentecost was…
Those days after He ascended must have been tough ones for the disciples. First, the good years of following Jesus and being in on his teaching abound the kingdom of…
In today’s Gospel Jesus speaks plainly of sending the Spirit to his disciples, an Advocate, a Comforter who will speak to the hearts of all who believe—if they are obedient.…

Living…or Lively?

May 18, 2014
Jesus shows us what God is really like, inviting us to follow Him into fullness of life. In this new life, we become living stones, built into a spiritual house…
Jesus describes Himself as both the shepherd and the gate for the sheep. How great that He is our shepherd, calling us by name and calling us that we may…

What Jesus Didn’t Say

April 27, 2014
“Blessed are those who have not seen yet believe.”  The bold, good news of Easter: Death could not hold Jesus in its power!  But like Thomas and the other disciples,…
“Christ is risen!”  “Christ is risen indeed.”  In deed!  Not just in spirit or in history, but in action, in the here and now, too.  Easter, our great celebration of…
How well we know life’s ups and downs.  Jesus even more so.  On Palm Sunday He experiences it all.  First, He received great praise as He entered Jerusalem as the…