"Christ is risen!" "Christ is risen indeed!" In deed -- not just in spirit or in history, but in action, in the here and now, too. Christ's victory is our…
We think we don’t like rules, someone telling us what we can and cannot do…except when it comes to playing a game or driving in traffic. In our lesson we…

A Hands-on God

January 13, 2019
Creation 2.0. God forms man from the earth, places him in a garden to do His work, and provides a suitable helper for him. But they would not live happily…

A Good Week’s Work

January 6, 2019
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth…” And so our Bible begins (as does the Gospel of John): a true genesis. However, it was not God’s beginning—He…
“What is truth?” Pilate asks Jesus, offering a stark, this-worldly contrast to the cosmic, royal imagery of the other readings. We are told the Son of Man rides on the…

The One (and Only) Option

August 26, 2018
[No Sermon Audio] Life seems to be filled with uncertainty and deceit; as one high-profile spokesman says, “Not all truth is truth.” Perhaps the answer is for us to be…

“Eat Your Vegetables!”

August 12, 2018
[No Sermon Audio] This week’s theme continues where last week’s left off—Jesus claiming that He is the bread of life. Now He goes even further. He insists that those who…
[No Sermon Audio] Bread is a gift of God—both the ordinary bread baked from grain-ground-into-flour and the miraculous bread of manna in the wilderness. Jesus tells us that there is…
[No Sermon Audio] Nothing is impossible with God. As Paul says, the power of God working within us is beyond our understanding, imagination, and control. Feeding a giant throng of…

Three Way Streets

May 20, 2018
[No Sermon Audio] THEME OF THE DAY Today is the Day of Pentecost—the birthday of the Christian Church. A more descriptive name for it might be the Festival Day of…