There was no ignoring the Holy Spirit on that first Pentecost. A rush of wind, tongues of flame, language barriers overcome. Today we celebrate the Holy Spirit among us—as an…

A Non-Prophet Church

May 26, 2019
Most of the time, the history of a nation focuses on leaders—kings, generals, titans of industry, etc.—but the Old Testament story line emphasizes prophets instead. Inspired by God to call…

Whose Temple Is It?

May 19, 2019
Where is God? We readily acknowledge He is everywhere—all creation is His abode. And yet, we also tend to think of Him residing in holy places: churches, temples, and the…


May 12, 2019
There’s an old saying, “The Christian isn’t perfect, just forgiven.” How true that is…and how crucial it is to remember it. David, “a man after God’s own heart,” sinned grievously…
There comes a moment in life when we feel like a “little one.” The challenge before us is daunting, the forces aligned against us insurmountable, the resources we have to…

The Wrong of Conformation

April 28, 2019
Long, long ago, in Samuel’s day, it was deemed that the Lord no longer interacted with His people. It can seem that way today as well. We call upon God,…


April 14, 2019
From passion to promise, Holy Week sweeps us along in Christ’s arduous yet loving journey to the cross and beyond.  Oddly enough, we begin with palms– promises of life, hope,…

A Woman’s Perspective

April 7, 2019
A woman’s touch. Ruth and Naomi pick up the pieces of their lives and start over in Judah during all the turmoil of the Judges period. An unnamed woman bursts…

Breaking the Cycle

March 31, 2019
“It’s déjà vu all over again!” Yogi Berra is credited with saying. How often the same cycle of cause and effect, trial and error, peril and deliverance seem to play…

To Boldly Go

March 17, 2019
Who doesn’t want to enter the Promised Land? Who wouldn’t want to follow Jesus if He asked? There’s just something about “boldly going where others fear to trod” that excites…